For the following case:

<macro> <typedef> <identifier>

A case in sometimes mislabels <macro> as a
typedef identifier.

If typedef is a known typedef (such as u8 or *_t), then label <macro>
as a CppMacro. Subsequent cases will continue to label <typedef>
correctly as a typedef identifier.

Following are results of --parse-c on the Linux Kernel v5.5-rc4:


  nb good = 18956150,  nb passed = 134061 =========> 0.70% passed


  nb good = 18956150,  nb passed = 134062 =========> 0.70% passed

Signed-off-by: Jaskaran Singh <>
 parsing_c/ | 35 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 35 insertions(+)

diff --git a/parsing_c/ b/parsing_c/
index 8374731b..23d675cf 100644
--- a/parsing_c/
+++ b/parsing_c/
@@ -2184,6 +2184,41 @@ let lookahead2 ~pass next before =
       && ok_typedef s && is_macro s2 && is_type type_
          TIdent (s, i1)
+  (* xx yy zz : xx is a macro *)
+  | (TIdent (s, i1)::TIdent (s2, i2)::TIdent(_,_)::_ , _)
+    when not_struct_enum before
+       && ok_typedef s2
+       && is_known_typdef s2
+        ->
+         TCommentCpp(Token_c.CppMacro, i1)
+  (* xx yy zz : xx is a typedef ident *)
+  | (TIdent (s, i1)::TIdent (s2, i2)::TIdent(_,_)::_ , _)
+    when not_struct_enum before
+       && ok_typedef s
+        ->
+      msg_typedef s i1 2; LP.add_typedef_root s i1;
+      TypedefIdent (s, i1)
+  (* xx yy * zz : xx is a macro *)
+  | (TIdent (s, i1)::TIdent (s2, i2)::ptr , _)
+    when pointer ~followed_by:(function TIdent _ -> true | _ -> false) ptr
+       && not_struct_enum before
+       && ok_typedef s2
+       && is_known_typdef s2
+        ->
+         TCommentCpp(Token_c.CppMacro, i1)
+  (* xx yy * zz : xx is a typedef ident *)
+  | (TIdent (s, i1)::TIdent (s2, i2)::ptr , _)
+    when pointer ~followed_by:(function TIdent _ -> true | _ -> false) ptr
+       && not_struct_enum before
+       && ok_typedef s
+        ->
+      msg_typedef s i1 2; LP.add_typedef_root s i1;
+      TypedefIdent (s, i1)
   (* xx yy *)
   | (TIdent (s, i1)::TIdent (s2, i2)::rest  , _) when not_struct_enum before
        && ok_typedef s && not (is_macro_paren s2 rest)

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