The order of the terms in ParenType require implementing a special
case for ParenType. This case handles only the following:

        <type> ( * id [ .* ] ) ( params )

i.e., a function pointer or an array of function pointers, and will fail
for any other cases. This is similar to the function used to print
ParenType in Pretty_print_c.

Signed-off-by: Jaskaran Singh <>
 parsing_c/ | 60 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 60 insertions(+)

diff --git a/parsing_c/ b/parsing_c/
index 30e755e9..9dd84821 100644
--- a/parsing_c/
+++ b/parsing_c/
@@ -722,6 +722,13 @@ and typeC ty =
   | Ast.FunctionPointer(ty,lp1,star,rp1,lp2,params,rp2) ->
       print_function_pointer (ty,lp1,star,rp1,lp2,params,rp2)
        (function _ -> ())
+  | Ast.ParenType(lp,ty,rp) ->
+      print_parentype (lp,ty,rp) (function _ -> ())
+  | Ast.FunctionType(ty,lp,params,rp) ->
+      fullType ty;
+      mcode print_string lp;
+      parameter_list params;
+      mcode print_string rp
   | Ast.Array(ty,lb,size,rb) ->
       fullType ty; mcode print_string lb; print_option expression size;
       mcode print_string rb
@@ -786,6 +793,57 @@ and storage = function
   | Ast.Register -> print_string "register"
   | Ast.Extern -> print_string "extern"
+(* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ParenType *)
+and print_parentype (lp,ty,rp) fn =
+  match Ast.unwrap ty with
+   Ast.Type(_,_,fty1) ->
+    (match Ast.unwrap fty1 with
+      Ast.Pointer(ty1,star) ->
+       (match Ast.unwrap ty1 with
+         Ast.Type(_,_,fty2) ->
+          (match Ast.unwrap fty2 with
+            Ast.FunctionType(ty2,lp2,params,rp2) ->
+             fullType ty2;
+             pr_space();
+             mcode print_string lp;
+             mcode print_string star;
+             fn();
+             mcode print_string rp;
+             mcode print_string lp2;
+             parameter_list params;
+             mcode print_string rp2
+         | _ -> failwith "ParenType Unparse_cocci")
+       | _ -> failwith "ParenType Unparse_cocci")
+    | Ast.Array(ty1,lb1,size1,rb1) ->
+       (match Ast.unwrap ty1 with
+         Ast.Type(_,_,fty2) ->
+          (match Ast.unwrap fty2 with
+            Ast.Pointer(ty2,star) ->
+             (match Ast.unwrap ty2 with
+               Ast.Type(_,_,fty3) ->
+                (match Ast.unwrap fty3 with
+                  Ast.FunctionType(ty3,lp3,params,rp3) ->
+                  fullType ty3;
+                  pr_space();
+                  mcode print_string lp;
+                  mcode print_string star;
+                  fn();
+                  mcode print_string lb1;
+                  print_option expression size1;
+                  mcode print_string rb1;
+                  mcode print_string rp;
+                  mcode print_string lp3;
+                  parameter_list params;
+                  mcode print_string rp3
+                | _ -> failwith "ParenType Unparse_cocci")
+             | _ -> failwith "ParenType Unparse_cocci")
+          | _ -> failwith "ParenType Unparse_cocci")
+       | _ -> failwith "ParenType Unparse_cocci")
+    | _ -> failwith "ParenType Unparse_cocci")
+  | _ -> failwith "ParenType Unparse_cocci"
 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 (* Variable declaration *)
@@ -818,6 +876,8 @@ and print_named_type ty id =
                pretty_print_c.Pretty_print_c.type_with_ident ty
                  (function _ -> id())
             | _ -> error name ty "type value expected")
+      | Ast.ParenType(lp,ty,rp) ->
+          print_parentype (lp,ty,rp) (function _ -> id())
     (*| should have a case here for pointer to array or function type
         that would put ( * ) around the variable.  This makes one wonder
         why we really need a special case for function pointer *)

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