Actually, since I've parsed the data successfully, I suppose I could store it and reopen in Core Data. Since I am new to Cocoa and have a limited programming background, I thought I should keep things basic,. Will give it a try as well (once I've tried the merge sort). But since I will have several pools of data to prepare for use, it also makes sense to just have a generic parser / sorter that parses, sorts, and stores data for use in other apps. Thanks.

On Mar 13, 2008, at 6:43 PM, Ben Trumbull wrote:

Have you considered using Core Data ? For generic table work like you describe, it will handle this drudgery for you. Our objects work extremely well with NSSortDescriptor, so the comparison function shouldn't require any significant memory pressure (i.e. we won't needlessly generate temporary or autoreleased objects)


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