On 26 Mar 2008, at 04:07, Sherm Pendley wrote:
On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 10:07 PM, Gerriet M. Denkmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 25 Mar 2008, at 23:12, Graham Cox wrote:
> There may be a simpler way, but this is what occurred to me when I
> read this:
> Subclass NSTextView and override -changeFont: -changeAttributes:
> and any other "ephemeral" method. Turn off the undo manager using -
> disableUndoRegistration, call super, then turn it back on again.

I have to apologize for not stating my problem more clearly. Let's
try again:

I do want to see "Undo Set Font" or "Redo Paste Font" etc. in my Edit
menu. So disabling the undo manager is probably not the right thing.

You could override the "epemeral" methods and call [self updateChangeCount:NSChangeUndone] after calling super. That would leave the operation on the undo stack, but leave the document's change count, um... unchanged. :-)
This seems to be an excellent idea.

I have implementd in MyTextView:

- (void)changeFont:(id)sender
        [ super changeFont: sender ] ;          
        GmdDocument *docum = [ self delegate ]; 
        [ docum updateChangeCount: NSChangeUndone ];

- (void)pasteFont:(id)sender  .... same ....

Now I can set the font via:
Format ► Font ► Past Style  or via:
Format ► Font ► Show Fonts and selecting some font in the Font Panel
without the document getting dirty.
Very good so far.

I also can use Edit ► Undo Set (or Paste) Font but now the document gets dirty. Very bad. Also: the complete text gets selected. So what else do I have to implement? I tried setFont: and setFont:range:, but these seem never to be called.
How does the NSUndoManager undo my font changes?

Or, you could keep track of the "real" changes yourself, and override -isDocumentEdited with your own implementation.
This would be more work - and also I am not at all sure what to override.

Kind regards,



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