I want to pop up photographs inside their own Core Animation layers, but I get huge real memory usage that never goes down.

I have an FRPhoto class whose instances manage other metadata for the image, and also have a convenience method to get an NSImage* as follows:

- (NSImage*)image {
        if (!cachedImage) {
                cachedImage = [[NSImage alloc] initByReferencingFile:filename];
        return cachedImage;

...which I use to show the photo, in my view's method:

- (void)showPhoto:(FRPhoto*)photo {
        CALayer* layer = [CALayer layer];
CGImageRef image = [[[[photo image] representations] objectAtIndex:0] CGImage];
        layer.contents = (id)image;
        layer.frame = CGRectMake(0.0f, 0.0f, 50.0f, 50.0f);
        layer.contentsGravity = kCAGravityResizeAspect;
        [interactionLayer addSublayer:layer];
        [layersForPhotos setObject:layer forKey:photo];

To put the FRPhoto into the layersForPhotos dictionary, I just implemented a lazy retained "copy":

- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone*)zone {
        return [self retain];

These FRPhoto instances are kept basically indefinitely, so when I hide the photo (also in the view) I make sure to call -[NSImage recache]:

- (void)hidePhoto:(FRPhoto*)photo {
        CALayer* layer = [layersForPhotos objectForKey:photo];
        [layersForPhotos removeObjectForKey:photo];
        [layer removeFromSuperlayer];
        layer.contents = nil;
        [[photo image] recache];

So by my reckoning: The CALayer should be autoreleased. And its contents, too, were supposed to be an autoreleased CGImage, and I set that property to nil just in case the layer itself is somehow sticking around. The NSImage that my FRPhoto holds on to should have "invalidate[d] and free[d] the offscreen caches of all image representations". But yet my memory usage just goes up and up and up, every photo I view. Images I have looked at already pop right back up, so they definitely act like they're still cached somewhere.

Even after many non-photo-showing event cycles, or just leaving it be for a few minutes, absolutely no significant amount of memory has been released according to both Instruments' ObjectAlloc and the Activity Monitor. By the time I've look at a dozen images my RAM is totally overwhelmed, making iPhoto's 15 second beachballs every couple minutes look pretty attractive, compared to total system-wide gridlock.

What am I doing wrong? How can I get these images out of memory?



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