I was surprised to see a Core Data object throw an exception during 'processPendingChanges' because the object couldn't handle 'setValue:nil forKey:'.

AFAICT, this happened under the following conditions:

-- the object had been inserted into the managed object context
-- the object had then been deleted from the context (some of the objects being created eventually get deleted)
-- no save had ever been done to the persistent store
-- 'processPendingChanges' was in the middle of faulting out the object that had been deleted -- 'processPendingChanges' was trying to set every attribute of the object to nil -- the attribute in question was of type 'undefined' and marked transient -- there were custom accessors for the attribute's key that get and set it as a NSRect

(I don't think it matters how the object came to be deleted -- I suspect that the same exception would occur whenever it was deleted from the context. Also, the undefined/transient attribute with custom scalar/struct accessors is a standard Core Data coding pattern. I copied the code from the documentation.)

What's surprising about this is Core Data's apparent assumption that an 'undefined' attribute is nevertheless represented by some kind of Objective C object, and is therefore setting it to nil is safe. Clearly, in this case, there is no object and setting the attribute to nil is senseless, and I would have expected Core Data not to try anything tricky like this precisely because the attribute's type is 'undefined'.

So is this to be regarded as a bug in Core Data? A bug in my understanding?

(I had earlier noticed and worked around a cousin to this issue: if a transient/undefined attribute is implemented by a managed object that can return nil for the corresponding key, then there's a validation error at save time if the attribute is not also marked optional. Again, if the attribute type is 'undefined', I would have expected Core Data to make no assumptions about how to interpret the value of the key.)


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