On Apr 7, 2008, at 10:03 PM, Jens Alfke wrote:
On 7 Apr '08, at 8:11 PM, Mike wrote:

I need to get the creator code of my app's bundle without diving into the bundle and reading the plist directly.

You're mixing up HFS creator codes with bundle identifiers, I think.

HFS creator codes are attributes of document files that identify what app created them. They're 4-character codes like 'ttxt'. They're not used much anymore in OS X, partly because most filesystems don't support them. (Even if your app defines one, you won't find any files inside the bundle with that creator code. It's stored as a key in the Info.plist.)

Bundle identifiers look like "com.mycompany.MyApp" and are used to identify applications in OS X. To get your app's bundle identifier, use the NSBundle snippet someone already posted.

Although if, for some reason, the OP is looking for the "classic" type and creator values (4-character OSType), you can also get them directly using CF:

void GetBundleTypeCreator(CFURLRef bundleURL, OSType& bundleType, OSType& bundleCreator)
    bundleType = 0;
    bundleCreator = 0;

CFBundleRef bundle = CFBundleCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, bundleURL);

    if (bundle != NULL)
        CFBundleGetPackageInfo(bundle, &bundleType, &bundleCreator);


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