
 I am writing a document based core data app where I delegate som work
 to an NSOperation subclass. This subclass should download stuff from
 the internet and then create managed objects.
 In my non-document based apps I have handled multithreading with a
 separate NSManagedObjectContext for each thread.
 I suppose I should do something similar in this app. But then a
 problem arises....
 The document is not necessarily saved when my download operation begins. So ..

 - How can I create objects in my nsoperation when I don't have a
 persistent store yet. I really couldn't ask the user to save the
 document before beginning the download.
 - In document based apps - how should I create my second
 NSManagedObject context for use in my nsoperation?

 One possible solution (or workaround) is to just have my operation
 download the data from the internet but have my main thread handle the
 managed object creation. But that doesn't seem clean to me.

 Thomas T.

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