(1) The HIG guidelines say, regarding alert icons:

"In rare cases, you may want to display a caution icon in your alert, badged with the application icon as shown in Figure 14-48. A badged alert is appropriate only if the user is performing a task, such as installing software, and a possible side effect of that task would be the inadvertent destruction of data. Don’t use a caution icon for tasks whose only purpose is to overwrite or remove data, such as Save or Empty Trash; too-frequent use of the caution icon dilutes its significance."

Yet presentError: *always* chooses to use a badged caution icon, AFAICT, even though there's no good reason to assume that an error in general implies the possible "inadvertent destruction of data". For example, NSDocumentController reports (via presentError:, I assume) a failure to create or open a document with a caution icon, and in neither case is it likely that data destruction is imminent.

(2) According to the NSResponder class reference for the alert resulting from 'presentError:',

"The alert displays information found in the NSError object anError; this information can include error description, recovery suggestion, failure reason, and button titles (all localized)."

In fact, AFAICT the failure reason is never included in the alert -- the secondary (smaller) text always comes from the recovery suggestion and the failure reason is ignored.

(3) According to the NSResponder class reference, a responder passes presentError to the next error responder and:

"if there is no next responder, it passes the error object to NSApp, which displays a document-modal error alert"

I had hoped this meant that NSApp cleverly displayed the error as a sheet on the document window and waited for it to be dismissed. In fact, if you send presentError: to a NSDocument you get an application- modal alert.

Before I radar these as bugs, I though I'd see if anyone has any comments. Maybe I misunderstand something.


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