I need an absolute path.

So I do:

NSFileManager *fima = [ NSFileManager defaultManager ];
NSString *fileType = [ [ fima fileAttributesAtPath: path traverseLink: NO ]; fileType ];
if ( [ fileType isEqualToString: NSFileTypeSymbolicLink ] )
        path = [ fima pathContentOfSymbolicLinkAtPath: path ];

The problem is: "/tmp" is converted to "private/tmp" (Note the missing slash at the start).

Short of hardcoding a change from "private" to "/private" -
is there some Cocoa (or Carbon or bsd or whatever) way to get "/tmp" converted to "/private/tmp" (with the leading slash) ?
(Same problem exists for /etc and /var).

> ls -l /tmp
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  gerriet  11 Feb  1  2007 /tmp -> private/tmp
But "cd /tmp" does not always do the same as "cd private/tmp".  Why?

Kind regards,



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