On Apr 19, 2008, on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 10:06:47 +0530, JanakiRam wrote:

This code works fine , but when i try to mount another volume/ account on the same server , this code doesn't seem to work.I'm always getting -43 error.If i unmount the earlier volume/account on the same server then i'm able to mount another volume on the server.

What sort of server? Perhaps you should post some code. In general it should works for any number of volumes on a server.

Now, I have occasionally seen error -43 in a situation where [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] mountedLocalVolumePaths] (which, somewhat contrary to its name, returns all mounted volumes including servers) lists a particular server as being mounted, but that server is not visible on the Desktop or in Finder window sidebars. Yet the server is in fact mounted, as can be confirmed with various File Manager API such as FSPathMakeRef(), reading/writing the volume by any means, etc. Such volumes can be unmounted in Terminal with umount, which succeeds without error. After that they can be mounted again with no problem.

Have only really noticed this under Tiger, with programmatically mounted idisks. My guess is that it may sometimes fail to display new volumes if several are mounted in very rapid succession. For my purposes it didn't matter: if a volume is mounted and accessible, that was good enough.

Without seeing your code, couldn't say if this applies to your situation. Possibly, sending

[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] noteFileSystemChanged:pathOfVolumeToMount];

after a successful mount might help ensure the volume is visible in Finder. Probably best to first check if a volume is already mounted via mountedLocalVolumePaths anyway

As Jens notes, logging into AFP servers as multiple users at the same time may not always do what you'd expect. With Leopard client, for instance, you -can- programatically mount the same volume for multiple logged-in accounts (assuming the volumes are marked as sharable for each account in System prefs, or the volume is the account's public folder). Doing this will succeed; no error occurs. The vRefNum returned, however, will be the same for all of them, and only the first appears in the Finder. This makes sense from a concurrency standpoint.

Not sure if any of the above addresses your -43 errors; http:// lists.apple.com/mailman/listinfo/filesystem-dev would definitely be a good place to ask about that.

In any case your question prompted me to rework that old code; passing a single dictionary for the many params is more pleasant...perhaps it will be useful to someone.

NSString *kServerNameKey = @"kServerNameKey";
NSString *kVolumeNameKey = @"kVolumeNameKey";
NSString *kTransportNameKey = @"kTransportNameKey";
NSString *kMountDirectoryKey = @"kMountDirectoryKey";
NSString *kUserNameKey = @"kUserNameKey";
NSString *kPasswordKey = @"kPasswordKey";
NSString *kAsyncKey = @"kAsyncKey";

-(void)mountServer:(NSDictionary *)mountDictionary
        NSString *pathOfVolumeToMount;
#define kNoPasswordInURL 1
#if kNoPasswordInURL
// encode transportName://serverName/volumeName URL for server, without userName/password
    pathOfVolumeToMount = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@://%@/%@",
                [mountDictionary objectForKey:kTransportNameKey],
                [mountDictionary objectForKey:kServerNameKey],
                [mountDictionary objectForKey:kVolumeNameKey]];
// It's possible to encode the userName/password into the URL, but this is undesirable when trying to // mount a volume quietly, without an authentication dialog appearing. Instead, pass userName/password
        // directly to FSMountServerVolumeSync (see comments below).
// encode transportName://userName:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/volumeName URL for server, with userName/password
        *pathOfVolumeToMount = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@://%@:%@@%@/%@",
                [mountDictionary objectForKey:kTransportNameKey],
                [mountDictionary objectForKey:kUserNameKey],
                [mountDictionary objectForKey:kPasswordKey],
                [mountDictionary objectForKey:kServerNameKey],
                [mountDictionary objectForKey:kVolumeNameKey]];
#endif // kNoPasswordInURL
        // percent-ascape any space characters in the URL string and create URL
pathOfVolumeToMount = [pathOfVolumeToMount stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
        NSURL *urlOfVolumeToMount = [NSURL URLWithString:pathOfVolumeToMount];
        // create NSURL for optional directory on server to mount; can also
// just include the subdirectory in server URL (if that path is share-able).
        NSURL *mountDirectoryURL = NULL;
NSString *mountDirectoryPath = [mountDictionary objectForKey:kMountDirectoryKey];
        if ( ![mountDirectoryPath isEqualToString:@""] ) {
                mountDirectoryPath = [NSString 
                                [mountDictionary objectForKey:kVolumeNameKey],
mountDirectoryPath = [mountDirectoryPath stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
                mountDirectoryURL = [NSURL URLWithString:mountDirectoryPath];
// To mount a volume quietly, without an authentication dialog, it's necessary // that FSMountServerVolumeSync's userName and password params *not* be NULL.
        // While it -is- possible to pass NULL for these (by encoding them into
// the URL, see above), if the server doesn't exist, passing NULL for these params // causes the system to put up a "server is not available or may not be operational"
        // dialog even though the values are already encoded into the URL.
// Solution: pass userName and password directly to FSMountServerVolumeSync, // and leave them out of the URL. This will mount the volume if it's possible, // and if not, will quietly return an error. No authentication dialog will appear.
        OSStatus error;
        FSVolumeRefNum refNum;
        error = FSMountServerVolumeSync( (CFURLRef)urlOfVolumeToMount,
(CFURLRef)mountDirectoryURL, // if NULL, default location is mounted.
                                        0L /* OptionBits, currently unused */
        if ( !error ) {
                NSLog( @"Sync-mounted server %@, user == %@, refNum == %d",
[pathOfVolumeToMount stringByAppendingPathComponent:mountDirectoryPath],
                           [mountDictionary objectForKey:kUserNameKey],
                           refNum );
// Experiment: see if -noteFileSystemChanged: has any effect on the occasional idisk // which mounts successfully but which is not visible in Finder window sidebars and,
                // sometimes, not even on the Desktop. (noticed with  under 
                [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] noteFileSystemChanged:
[pathOfVolumeToMount stringByAppendingPathComponent:mountDirectoryPath]];
        else {
NSLog( @"Sync mount failed for server %@, error == %d", pathOfVolumeToMount, error );

-(void)mountServers:(NSArray *)array
        if ( array == NULL ) return;
        unsigned int i, count = [array count];
        for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                NSDictionary *thisServer = [array objectAtIndex:i];
                [self mountServer:thisServer];

- (IBAction)mountSomeServers:(id)sender
        NSMutableArray *mountArray = [NSMutableArray array];
        NSDictionary *mountDictionary;
        // mount a file-shared volume on machine "MBPLeopard"
        mountDictionary = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
                @"MBPLeopard.local", kServerNameKey,
                @"volumeName", kVolumeNameKey,
                @"afp", kTransportNameKey,
                @"", kMountDirectoryKey,
                @"username", kUserNameKey,
                @"password", kPasswordKey,
                [NSNumber numberWithBool:YES], kAsyncKey, NULL];
        [mountArray addObject:mountDictionary];

        // also mount user's home directory on the same server
        mountDictionary = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
                @"MBPLeopar.local", kServerNameKey,
                @"username", kVolumeNameKey, // home directory
                @"afp", kTransportNameKey,
                @"", kMountDirectoryKey,
                @"username", kUserNameKey,
                @"password", kPasswordKey,
                [NSNumber numberWithBool:YES], kAsyncKey, NULL];
        [mountArray addObject:mountDictionary];

        // an idisk
        mountDictionary = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
                @"idisk.mac.com", kServerNameKey,
                @"youriDisk-Public", kVolumeNameKey,
                @"http", kTransportNameKey,
                @"", kMountDirectoryKey,
                @"username", kUserNameKey,
                @"", kPasswordKey,  // assumes no password sort on idisk public 
                [NSNumber numberWithBool:YES], kAsyncKey, NULL];
        [mountArray addObject:mountDictionary];

        // a subdirectory on the same idisk, without bothering
        //with the kMountDirectoryKey key
        mountDictionary = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
                @"idisk.mac.com", kServerNameKey,
                @"youriDisk-Public/SomeExistentFolder", kVolumeNameKey,
                @"http", kTransportNameKey,
                @"", kMountDirectoryKey,
                @"username", kUserNameKey,
                @"", kPasswordKey,
                [NSNumber numberWithBool:YES], kAsyncKey, NULL];
        [mountArray addObject:mountDictionary];

        // mount servers in array
        [self mountServers:mountArray];



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