On Jun 12, 2008, at 00:25, Jens Alfke wrote:

On 11 Jun '08, at 1:14 PM, Manuel wrote:

But the IKImageBrowserView doesn't call these methods. I setup a testmethod in the MYNSCollectionViewItem like the following code, to verify that the imagebrowser outlet is set and to set again the datasource:

Hm, I don't have any exact ideas, but I wonder if something's going wrong because CollectionViewItems get copied. (The one you wire up in the nib is a prototype, and the view makes a copy of it for every item it needs.) Perhaps the item is getting set as the image- browser's data source before the copy, so the instance being displayed isn't actually the one that's the data source?

Jens is right in that copying the collection view is often a problem, as NSView does not support the NSCopying protocol. There's some more information on the way that NSCollectionView copies the view here:http://www.cocoadev.com/index.pl?NSCollectionView (near the bottom).

I got it working like this:
- put your custom view initialisation in initWithCoder: (as that is the one used to copy the original instance / unarchive your nib) - in your view, have an IBOutlet that's connected to the NSCollectionViewItem instance (called cvItem in my case) - in awakeFromNib bind the properties you're interested in (as these get restored / set correctly in the cloning process), e.g.
- (void)awakeFromNib
[self bind:@"plotRoot" toObject:cvItem withKeyPath:@"representedObject" options:nil]; [self bind:@"isSelected" toObject:cvItem withKeyPath:@"selected" options:nil];

This setup works fine for me (ignoring the other known bugs and documentation deficiencies of NSCollectionView — it's slightly disheartening when you file a bug on it, get a dup back and realise it's been known long enough for 1094954 other bugs to be filled..).


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