>> On 28 Jul 2015, at 9:12 pm, Trygve Inda <cocoa...@xericdesign.com> wrote:
>> I gather that when using NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType, all operations (a
>> fetch for example) have to be done within a performBlock call.
> ...
>> Then later, this context is used outside a performBlock:
>> NSArray *matchingQuakes = [taskContext
>> executeFetchRequest:matchingQuakeRequest error:&anyError];
>> Why does this work?
> You are supposed to call performBlock so that all accesses to the MOC are
> serialized on the queue and so you get thread safety that way. However it's
> quite possible to call the methods directly on the MOC in any thread context
> and they will work, all the performBlock() actually does is queue the same
> block of code onto the dispatch queue and when it's its turn, it executes by
> calling [ moc executeFetch.. blah blah].
> If you do that of course you have no thread safety any more and are likely to
> blow up. In this case there's only one thread (I believe) and so the accesses
> are serialized anyway and it works. It's a bad piece of code.
> I filed an enhancement report requesting that the coredata stack assert if you
> called a private queue MOC method from the wrong queue, I don't recall seeing
> anything come of it, however I do remember there is quite a lot of logging you
> can turn up on CoreData and it's possible one such log will tell you you're
> doing this. 

If I do use performBlock and have to do several things:

This code is sitting inside a completion block for a URL downloader
    [self doSomething];
    [myContext performBlock (do more stuff)];
    [self doSomethingElse];

Since the perform block will run in a different thread, how can I make sure
the "do more stuff" is finished before calling doSomethingElse?

Or in this case would using NSConfinementConcurrencyType be better since it
is all within a completion block and presumably on it's own thread anyway.


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