Dear All,

I have an app that uses Cocoa and dispatch sources leaking a lot (ca. 5GB / 
17h). The origin seems to come from a combination of dispatch sources, Bindings 
& Core Animation. Below is a brief description of the app, what issues I 
encounter and the related code.

I have a scientific data acquisition App that is expected to run continuously 
for a year and collect data every second from 144 sensors. The app is written 
in Objective-C, targets MAC OS, and uses GCD a lot. Basically, I start several 
dispatch queues running blocks to deal with scientific instruments connected to 
different data buses. I use appropriate synchronization tools or locking 
mechanisms to run everything safely and deal with concurrency.

At first, I did bind the 115 textfields (most having number formatters) on the 
main view directly to the properties of the class instances representing 
different physical scientific instruments. The issue was that it caused the UI 
being refreshed from various threads while my app was operating (timer dispatch 
sources manipulating the objects to collect data from instruments causing UI 
refresh through bindings). I got the message "CoreAnimation: warning, deleted 
thread with uncommitted CATransaction; set CA_DEBUG_TRANSACTIONS=1 in 
environment to log backtraces” a lot.

So, I made a simple function (refreshUI) which transfers the data from 
non-bound properties of the objects to bound-properties of the objects like 
this :

// [myInstrument updateUI];
- (void)updateUI
        assert([NSThread isMainThread]);

        // LEFT:  property of the object tied to the UI through bindings made 
in IB
        // RIGHT: as a quick fix: variable member of the object updated using a 
background thread.
        self.lastPT100Temperature       = self->l_PT100Temperature;
        self.lastPAAtmosphericPressure  = self->l_PAAtmosphericPressure;
        // etc...

This function is called once every second on the main thread like this :

- (void)startUIAutoUpdate
        // @property (strong) dispatch_source_t uiRefreshTimer;
        self.uiRefreshTimer = 
dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_TIMER, 0, 0, 
        dispatch_source_set_timer(self.uiRefreshTimer, DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, 1.0 * 

        __weak typeof(self) weakself = self;
                        __strong typeof(weakself) strongself = weakself;

                        [strongself.myInstrument updateUI];
                        // etc...


The app starts by taking around 25 MB of memory (reported by Activity monitor). 
After 17h, I see around 5GB of memory used. After a few days… the app crashes. 
On the other hand, if I comment the family of lines "[strongself.myInstrument 
updateUI]", the app can run for a month using only 25-35 MB of memory. Data are 
still collected every second and stored on disk of course, but not shown on 

If I prevent my app from trying to communicate with the instruments (by not 
instantiating the objects representing the communication interface) I can make 
it run faster and take thousands of dummy data points a second (and store them 
on the disk). The leaking issue is a little increased, but not by a factor of 
1000. Only by a factor of 30 to 60. This is consistent with a UI refresh issue.

Additionally, I was unable to find any leaks with Instruments (but I barely 
know how to use it) and the amount of memory reported by Instruments is far 
less than the one reported by Activity monitor (but still, the system starts 
swapping a lot after a while, so Activity monitor must be right). But 
interestingly, when switching apps with CMD-TAB, Instruments shows memory jumps 
(memory brutally decreases).

Well, I feel a little lost at this point. I lack the know-how to further 
investigate the issue. Does anyone know what to try / measure / observe to get 
more clues?

Best Regards,
Jean Suisse
Institut de Chimie Moléculaire de l’Université de Bourgogne
(ICMUB) — UMR 6302

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