> On 15 Oct 2015, at 00:03, David Duncan <david.dun...@apple.com> wrote:
>> On Oct 14, 2015, at 4:02 AM, Gerriet M. Denkmann <gerr...@mdenkmann.de> 
>> wrote:
>> I put into some iOS 9 app (Xcode 7.0)  4 UILabels.
>> All have Clip Subviews = off, font size 96 with a coloured background, text 
>> plain = “ฟี้กุฎุมพี”.
>> The difference is the font:
>> System: ok (but is too bold for my taste)
>> Thonburi and Thonburi Light: bottom get cut off 
>> System Light: bottom gets cut off rather much
>> System also uses Thonburi as font substitution.
>> With Clip Subviews = on the characters get clipped to the coloured 
>> background, which is even worse.
>> Note: some characters go well beyond the descender line (as specified by the 
>> font) and also above the line height.
>> How can I get a UILabel which does not maim my characters?
>> (Another question would be: how to get a background which covers all of the 
>> characters. But this is not important to me right now)
>> These UILabels are ultimately meant to go into UITableViewCells (without 
>> coloured background).
> You will probably need to use an attributed string that specifies a taller 
> line height than normal. This happens automatically when the system language 
> is set to languages such as Thai, but not for other languages, as it would 
> apply to all text strings.

Thanks for this hint.
And thanks a lot to Alex for his very helpful code example!

Moving the baseLine up by about 8 % and increasing the LineHeight by 5 %  
finally (after lots of fiddling) gives me an acceptable UILabel with SystemFont 

CGFloat baseChangePercent = +8; 
CGFloat lineChangePercent = +5; 
CGFloat baselineOffset = fontSize * baseChangePercent / 100 ;
CGFloat lineHeightMultiple = 1 + lineChangePercent / 100;

NSMutableParagraphStyle *paragraph = [ [ NSMutableParagraphStyle alloc ] init ];
paragraph.lineHeightMultiple = lineHeightMultiple;

attributes =    @{      NSBaselineOffsetAttributeName:  @(baselineOffset),
But of course these values are heavily dependent on the font (and maybe even on 

How to compute these numbers directly (as opposed to trial and error)?

Kind regards,



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