On Nov 23, 2015, at 16:06 , Alex Hall <mehg...@icloud.com> wrote:
> When I look at the cell I got by default, it has a lot of levels to it. I'm 
> not sure where to add my own views, or how to assign a separate view 
> controller to the cell (just for modularity's sake). What I see is this:
> Tweet cell contains: table cell view, text cell..
> Tweet Cell -> table cell view contains: table view cell
> table view cell contains: table view cell (yes, a second one)
> I believe I'd add my views to the top level, so they are on the same level as 
> the text cell, but I'm not sure.

You’ve described three levels here, but there are actually four. 

The first (top) level is actually the table column. Inside it is a table cell 
view and a NSCell that you should ignore.

The second level is the table cell view. It contains a text field.

The third level is the text field.  Inside it is a NSCell that you should 

So you’ll add views into the second level, that is as siblings of the text 
field at level 3, but you’ll have to do some preparation first.

> The docs say I should have a label and an image for free, but I don't see 
> either one here.

In OS X, you drag in “Image & Text Table Cell View” from the object library, as 
a sibling of the table cell view at level 2. Then delete the original table 
cell view. (I think this is different for UITableView.)

> Furthermore, I want my image on the right, not the left, unless there's a HIG 
> reason not to do that? Even if the thumbnails end up being on the left, I 
> want to understand how to change that if I ever wanted to.

The image is going to appear on the left (or perhaps on the right for 
right-to-left locales). I’m not sure if you can fiddle with this in IB — the 
eventual placement might be the result of layout decisions in the 
NSTableCellView class.

If IB won’t let you put the image where you want it, you can always go back to 
the text only cell, and add your own custom image subview.

> Once I get my views in place, I'll have to hook them to the view controller, 
> correct? Normally I'd not even ask this, but I had to hook up nothing, and my 
> cell already has a label that's not an outlet, so I'm not sure if special 
> rules apply to cells.

Nope. If you have custom subviews, you need to subclass NSTableCellView to 
provide outlets to your new subviews, and potentially other behavior. (The 
standard NSTableCellView may have some programmatic auto-layout behavior 
involving the two standard subviews.)

If your custom subviews have bindings, you might not need the outlets, but I 
don’t see any harm in having the outlets anyway. Once you change the cell view 
subclass from NSTableCellView to your custom subclass, you can drag your other 
subviews into (i.e. inside) the 2nd level of Tweet cell, hook up the outlets in 
IB, and add bindings and autolayout constraints.

The last thing you need to do, if you aren’t using bindings, is update your 
tableView:viewForTableColumn:row: delegate method to set custom subview values 
when configuring the cell view for a particular row/column.

Fun stuff. Subclassing NSTextCellView isn’t something I do very often, so be 
aware I’ve probably got a few details wrong.

> Can I have a separate view controller for my cell, just to keep things 
> organized? I tried to have one for a scroll area inside my main scene, but 
> Xcode wouldn't let me. It seems I can have one controller per scene?

Nope. Cell views aren’t managed by controllers. The 
tableView:viewForTableColumn:row: delegate method is basically the controller.

> According to one doc I was reading, VoiceOver automatically speaks the 
> contents of a cell's text field. What if there are multiple ones, though? Or 
> if I want VO to ignore the image cell but speak other cells in the row? Or 
> speak something different--can I add an accessibility description to a whole 
> cell to have VO speak that? If so, it'll be interesting to see if I have to 
> interact with the table first, or if not interacting still reads the 
> description instead of the text.

Any subviews you add are just views, so they can have the necessary 
accessibility information to describe them individually. I’d assume you can 
just do it at the table cell view level, if you want, but you might have to 
remove standard accessibility annotations on the standard text and image 

> Am I confusing multiple fields per cell with multiple cells? I know I can 
> have columns in a Mac table, unlike on iOS, but I don't really want that, I 
> don't think. If I use multiple columns, once a VoiceOver user interacts with 
> the table, up/down move by cell, not by row. Thinking about it, that might be 
> good in some situations… Visually, is there value to having multiple columns 
> versus multiple text labels in a single column? Would the answer change if I 
> decided to add a button to each table row, to open a popover with additional 
> details about the tweet? That is, would be button have to be its own cell, or 
> could I still add it to a single cell and have it look okay?

No, you’re not confusing subviews with columns. If your subviews are laid out 
horizontally with fixed spacing, there’s not going to be a lot of difference in 
appearance. The point of a single column is that you have more flexibility in 
placing the multiple subviews. However, customizing the table cell view with 
new custom subviews is a bit awkward. If you’re prepared to accept a more rigid 
format, multiple columns might be easier. (For example, you could get the image 
on the right pretty easily, by putting it in a 2nd column.)


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