You should look more at your design. Having that many objects being unobserved 
and reobserved (your word although in the context of new objects) reminds me of 
what I've called a genocidal refresh, an antipattern that can be fixed by only 
refreshing (or in your case observing) the things actually changed; in your 
case that may be only the items in the array that were added or removed.
Gary L. Wade (Sent from my iPad)

> On Jan 25, 2016, at 1:10 AM, Markus Spoettl <> wrote:
> Hi,
>  I have a view controller with a table view that is bound to an array 
> containing around 1000-10000 model objects. The same view controller 
> registers itself as observer of all the objects' properties. These objects 
> are actually proxies for other model objects and are created by my view 
> controller (there is no outside reference to these objects).
> When the array changes, I remove all observers from these objects before 
> re-observing the new objects.
> Sometimes (on El Capitan) this removing of observers causes my app to freeze 
> and eat memory at an alarming rate. Sometimes this spirals completely out of 
> control until all memory is exhausted, sometimes it stops after a few 
> gigabytes of mystery allocations and my app continues.
> The bug doesn't surface all the time, only 30-50% of all tries.
> I have tried to wrap the observer removing code within an @autorelease {} 
> block, which helps a little. The problem is now harder to recreate, but it is 
> still there.
> This is on El Capitan using Xcode 6.4 built against the 10.10 SDK.
> Has anyone any idea how the removing of observers can cause this kind of 
> death spiral?
> Regards
> Markus
> -- 
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> Markus Spoettl
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