On 26.08.2016 at 20:12 Kyle Sluder wrote:

> On Fri, Aug 26, 2016, at 12:25 PM, Gary L. Wade wrote:
>> I'm talking about exchanging release for autorelease on your list
>> delegate, which happens after runModal finishes. Since you now do an
>> orderOut, your table view should not need its data source/delegate, so it
>> should be safe keeping them set and using an autorelease, but clearing
>> them is the safest.

> Neither autorelease nor release on its own is sufficient here; Andreas
> should clear out his delegates. 

So should I also clear the button delegates or is NSTableView an exception

Side note:

What I find really weird in this whole thing is the fact that it crashed
although the delegates are clearly released *after* the window. I wouldn't
be surprised to get crashes if I released the delegates *before* the window.
That would be natural behaviour but from a logical point of view it's really
weird to see it crash with the delegate/data source being released *after*
the window, i.e. when one would expect NSTableView to have been fully 

From a logical point of view I'd expect this call

    [win release];

to kill off the NSTableView and its associates completely. So I'd consider
it safe to release the delegate/data source after that, but apparently they
need to be cleared out before. It's good to know but from a logical point
of view I still think it's weird. I mean, who the heck is referencing those
delegates after the call to [win release]? Everything should be gone by
that call but there's probably some advanced wizardry going on that I'm
unaware of.

Best regards,
 Andreas Falkenhahn                            mailto:andr...@falkenhahn.com


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