> On 4 Nov 2016, at 10:39, Ken Thomases <k...@codeweavers.com> wrote:
> On Nov 3, 2016, at 10:08 PM, Gerriet M. Denkmann <gerri...@icloud.com> wrote:
>> URLByResolvingAliasFileAtURL does almost the same, has no special behaviour 
>> with “/private”, and even can resolve an alias.
>> But: only when this alias is the final component of a path.
>> I.e. /path/aliasToFoo will be resolved to /path/foo; but  
>> /path/aliasToFoo/someFile will not.
> Paths "through" alias files make no sense.  Nothing else in the system will 
> resolve an alias there, so nothing will ever produce such a path.  

I typed in some OpenPanel: “/tmp/a1 alias/a2/aFile” and 
“/private/tmp/a1/a2/aFile” was opened without any problems.
But this may well be the only place where this works.

My app just needs the same functionality.

> If your code is producing such paths, you should fix it, because nothing else 
> will be able to process them.
No, it does not. It just wants to read files.

> You should construct NSURL objects from the two paths, use 
> -getResourceValue:forKey:error: with the key NSURLFileResourceIdentifierKey 
> to get the resource ID for each, and then use [resourceID1 
> isEqual:resourceID2] to determine if the two paths refer to the same 
> file-system object.

What I need is: 
        goodPath = [ pathFromFSEventStream hasPrefix: somePath ]

pathFromFSEventStream might no longer exist (FSEventStream notifying me of it’s 
demise). I would still consider it a “ goodPath” if it has the right prefix.

Even if it does exist, I would need something like:
        [ fileResourceIdentifierFromFSEventStream isEqualOrDescendentOf: 
someFileResourceIdentifier ].

This might become rather more involved than a simple hasPrefix.

Kind regards,



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