I'm printing from a view-based OSX app (compiled for 10.11), and have found it 
easy to print by creating a print operation from the view in question. The view 
is flipped (that is, returns YES to IsFlipped) and looks good on screen. The 
view creates a print operation this way:

        NSPrintOperation* printOp = [NSPrintOperationWithView: self printInfo: 
[NSPrintInfo sharedPrintInfo]];

        //..then setting of margins, etc. in [printOp printInfo], then
        [printOp runOperation]

        Running the operation does the whole thing and creates a beautiful 
preview of the page - 
        BUT not on the first draw. The initial image displayed in the print 
dialog is flipped and often reduced to miniature. If you touch the 
pages-to-print choice, or the All choice,  the preview image in the print 
dialog redraws and redraws correctly. The actual print then works fine.

        This does make it more difficult print to pdf when the first draw is 
wrong, since the pdf is also wrong on the first draw. But if I choose "view pdf 
in preview" then all is well - it draws nicely and I can then use Preview's 
export command to save it, or print.

        But this is no way to live. Don't want to have to tell customers to use 
a work-around.

        There must be something that needs initializing that is corrected after 
that first draw. Or is this just a glitch?

        Thanks, Jeff



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