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> On 28 Mar 2017, at 11:41, Quincey Morris 
> <> wrote:
>> On Mar 26, 2017, at 22:04 , Gerriet M. Denkmann <> wrote:
>> [ arrayOfStrings writeToFile: “directoryPath/SortedKeys.plist” atomically: 
>> YES ]; ← pseudo code
> A couple of points about this line of code, assuming that the method 
> -[NSArray writeToFile:atomically:] is actually being used:
> 1. This method has a YES/NO result, which you really shouldn’t ignore, if you 
> do.
I use the result to print an error message. But you are right: I should abandon 
the whole operation in case of error. 

> 2. This method is a file API with no outError parameter. All such methods 
> should be regarded as ancient, undesirable to use, and superseded by a newer 
> method that does have an outError parameter. The fact that there is no newer 
> method with an outError parameter tells you that Apple has (essentially) 
> abandoned this method, and that the replacement API requires a different 
> approach. My guess is that the intended replacement is to convert the NSArray 
> to a NSData object yourself (through serialization, archiving, or some 
> similar technique), and then using one of the more modern NSData file writing 
> methods to get it onto disk.

As the array in question contains strings, none of which should contain a \n I 
was thinking of converting it into a string, which would then written as UTF16 
(which would have the further advantage of reducing the size to about 40%). 
> 3. Really, don’t use path-based methods any more. Use the URL-based variant. 
> (In this case, there is one, but it’s also lacking an outError parameter, so 
> it also should be abandoned.)
> However, none of the above can explain your crash. The symptoms of the crash 
> indicate that the directory listed a file called “SortedKeys.plist”, but the 
> file didn’t actually exist (or couldn’t be read), which is on the face of it 
> pretty weird. That leads me to:
> 4. You might use “atomically: NO” instead of “atomically: YES”. It’s not 
> clear whether you expect “SortedKeys.plist” to exist already in the 
> directory, but I’m guessing not, or that you could delete it manually first. 
> If the file doesn’t exist, and if you change your code to capture and handle 
> file-write errors properly, then writing atomically doesn’t have any value, 
> and it may in rare cases turn out to be actively harmful.

There probably will exist an old, not up to date version already. 
> A successful non-atomic write is an open/write/close sequence. An atomic 
> write does that to a temp location on the same HFS volume, then does a file 
> system atomic “swap” operation to exchange the data of the real and temp 
> files. On a non-local (e.g. network) or non-HFS volume, the file manager may 
> not have access to an atomic file swap, so might have to simulate with 
> renames, moves and/or copies.
> So, an atomic file write involves a longer, possibly quite a lot longer, 
> sequence of file system operations, and it’s not totally outside the bounds 
> of possibility that there might be some reordering between this sequence and 
> other sequences, perhaps even the subsequent directory scan that you do. It 
> doesn’t seem outside the bounds of possibility that the directory scan might 
> see the directory in a transitional state.
> This is highly speculative, and other people may have reasons to argue that 
> such a reordering cannot legally take place, but if you use a non-atomic 
> write you eliminate any possible timing window on the directory scan, I think.

I will abandon the atomic write and just rely on the outcome of the write. 
If it fails I have no interest in this file at all - the old version is useless 
> That doesn’t really touch the “how to debug?” question, to which I don’t know 
> the answer, except to suggest you play around trying to make the problem more 
> reproducible.

This is my real problem: so far I have seen this error twice - within 250 days. 
Using the app several times per day. 

If I could reproduce the error I am confident of fixing it. 

I was suspecting a relation with sleep - the first time it occurred at 3:00 
(computer should be sleeping) the second time at 17:00 (unlikely to be 
sleeping, but I'm not sure)

Thanks for your suggestions!

Kind regards 



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