It seems that I’ll be the first American in general & GitHub open-source 
history to ever make a NSText​Find​Bar​Container subclass. The window 
controller shows two views in a split view. The top half is a NSTableView 
surrounded by a NSScrollView. The bottom half is a NSTextView surrounded by a 
scroll view. Each one can handle NSTextFinder, but I’m considering them halves 
of the same document (since they are). So I’m make a single find-bar to cover 
both views. I’ve read about NSTitlebarAccessoryViewController and wonder if I 
can use it to hold the Find controls.

> class MyWindowController: NSWindowController {
>     //...
>     dynamic var representedMessage: RawMessage?
>     dynamic var isWritable: Bool = true
>     // Outlets
>     @IBOutlet weak var messageController: NSObjectController!
>     @IBOutlet weak var headerController: NSArrayController!
>     @IBOutlet weak var textFinder: NSTextFinder!
>     @IBOutlet weak var accessoryView: NSVisualEffectView!
>     // Pseudo-outlets
>     var headerViewController: NSViewController!
>     var bodyViewController: NSTabViewController!
>     var addBodyViewController: NSViewController!
>     var bodyTextViewController: NSViewController!
>     var headerTableView: NSTableView!
>     var bodyTextView: NSTextView!
>     /// Table of which characters, combining the header and body as a single 
> string, are where.
>     dynamic var textRanges = [NSMakeRange(0, 0)]
>     /// The accessory title-bar to contain the text-finding controls.
>     let findBar = NSTitlebarAccessoryViewController()
>     //...
>     override func windowDidLoad() {
>         super.windowDidLoad()
>         //...
>         findBar.layoutAttribute = .bottom
>     }
>     //...
> }

I added a NSTextFinder to my window controller’s top bar and added an outlet. 
I’m using the window controller class as the NSTextFinderClient delegate:

> extension MyWindowController: NSTextFinderClient {
>     /// Determine the right substring, from the text range map.
>     func string(at characterIndex: Int, effectiveRange outRange: 
> NSRangePointer, endsWithSearchBoundary outFlag: 
> UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> String {
>         //...
>     }
>     /// Determine the length of the virtual string, from the text range map.
>     func stringLength() -> Int {
>         return NSMaxRange(self.textRanges.last!)
>     }
> }

and a NSTextFindBarContainer delegate:

> extension MyWindowController: NSTextFinderBarContainer {
>     var findBarView: NSView? {
>         get { return self.findBar.view }
>         set { self.findBar.view = newValue ?? /*self.accessoryView*/ NSView() 
> }
>     }
>     func contentView() -> NSView? {
>         return self.window?.contentView
>     }
>     var isFindBarVisible: Bool {
>         get {
>             return self.findBar.parent != nil
>         }
>         @objc(setFindBarVisible:) set {
>             if newValue && self.findBar.parent == nil {
>                 self.window?.addTitlebarAccessoryViewController(self.findBar)
>             } else if !newValue && self.findBar.parent != nil {
>                 self.findBar.removeFromParentViewController()
>             }
>         }
>     }
>     func findBarViewDidChangeHeight() {
>         // Do I need to do something here?
>     }
> }

I have no idea if what I’m doing here is even close to being right. (The 
“accessoryView” property maps to a NSVisualEffectView that I made because I 
thought “NSView()” was wrong at first. It made no difference.) When I try 
running the app, creation of the first window is jammed by:

> 2017-03-28 15:33:27.659649 XNW[51906:6766586] -[NSNib 
> _initWithNibNamed:bundle:options:] could not load the nibName: 
> NSTitlebarAccessoryViewController in bundle (null).
> 2017-03-28 15:33:27.677235 XNW[51906:6766586] -[NSNib 
> _initWithNibNamed:bundle:options:] could not load the nibName: 
> NSTitlebarAccessoryViewController in bundle (null).

Is anyone from Apple and/or has privately made a NSTextFindBarContainer class 
capable of helping? As I said, there are no answers from WebSearch (i.e. others 
will be helped by me). Is there Apple sample code that covers this?

Daryle Walker
Mac, Internet, and Video Game Junkie
darylew AT mac DOT com 


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