macOS 12.5

I try to make a sub image (subRect has size 32 x 32) like:

NSRect pubRect = NSZeroRect; pubRect.size = subRect.size;
NSImage *subImage = [ [NSImage alloc] initWithSize: subRect.size ];

[ subImage lockFocus ];
[ self.image    drawAtPoint:    NSMakePoint(0, 0)  
                                fromRect:               subRect  
                                fraction:               1 
NSBitmapImageRep *oneRep = [ [ NSBitmapImageRep alloc ] 
initWithFocusedViewRect: pubRect ];
[ subImage unlockFocus ];

NSData *subData = [ oneRep representationUsingType: NSPNGFileType  properties: 
@{} ];

the image looks fine, but when I write subData to disk, it has 64 x 64 pixels.

How can this doubling of pixels be avoided?



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