Yeah, good points. I solved it better by overriding my NSCollectionViewItem 
subclass’ preferredContentSize and setting it from my 
itemForRepresentedObjectAt dataSource function when I get access to the item.


> On 2019-10-22, at 03:41, David Duncan <> wrote:
>> On Oct 21, 2019, at 3:26 AM, Arved von Brasch via Cocoa-dev 
>> <> wrote:
>> Hello list,
>> Thanks to someone on the list who provided me with a clue, I found that if I 
>> add this to my NSCollectionViewItem subclass:
>> override func viewWillAppear() {
>>       super.viewWillAppear()
>>       view.removeConstraints(view.constraints)
> Don’t do this – you don’t know what constraints may be attached to the view 
> that you don’t know about.
>>       view.addConstraint(NSLayoutConstraint.init(item: view, attribute: 
>> .width, relatedBy: .greaterThanOrEqual, toItem: nil, attribute: 
>> .notAnAttribute, multiplier: 1, constant: view.frame.size.width))
>>       view.addConstraint(NSLayoutConstraint.init(item: view, attribute: 
>> .height, relatedBy: .greaterThanOrEqual, toItem: nil, attribute: 
>> .notAnAttribute, multiplier: 1, constant: view.frame.size.height))
> This doesn’t really make a whole lot of sense – this is basically saying 
> “whatever frame you have at this point, you will never be smaller than” which 
> kinda defeats the whole purpose.
>>   }
>> the Collection View loads as expected and all the items appear at the proper 
>> size regardless of window resizes. However, I do end up with a large number 
>> of NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraint clash errors.  Not quite sure how I’m 
>> going to resolve this yet, but I thought I’d post it in case anyone else 
>> follows in my footsteps.
> Not too surprising, since the constraints you made are in direct conflict 
> with these auto resizing mask constraints (since the auto resizing mask 
> constraints basically tell the auto layout engine what the frame size will 
> be).
>> Cheers,
>> Arved
>>> On 2019-10-20, at 21:54, Arved von Brasch <> wrote:
>>> Hello Cocoa List,
>>> I’m in the process of porting a hobby project to up-to-date Swift so it can 
>>> be used on Catalina (and I can upgrade my work machine - still looking for 
>>> a QuickTime 7 Pro replacement, though).  I’ve encountered a phenomenon 
>>> subclassing NSCollectionViewFlowLayout that I haven’t been able to resolve.
>>> I have a Core Data backed NSArrayController feeding data to a 
>>> NSCollectionView (still using XIBs, as that made the porting easier). That 
>>> all works fine, although was surprisingly tricky to get going.  I 
>>> implemented a NSCollectionViewFlowLayout subclass to provide a left 
>>> justified layout. I then implemented the NSCollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout 
>>> function sizeForItemAt: to provide custom sizes for my items.  This all 
>>> works as intended during testing when the collection view is first loaded.  
>>> However, if I resize the enclosing window, all the items reduce in size to 
>>> what appears to be a single pixel and I can’t work out where the tiny size 
>>> is coming from. My output of sizeForItemAt always seems to have sensible 
>>> values, and I can’t see an obvious place for where else the collection view 
>>> would be getting sizes from.
>>> I’m only implementing an init function, to set the estimatedItemSize, 
>>> sectionInset and spacing values, and then overriding 
>>> layoutAttributesForElements, as that seems to be all that’s required for my 
>>> use case. I do not have any headers or footers or sections in my scenario, 
>>> so the Array Controller is pretty simple too, although it acts as the Data 
>>> Source and Delegate for the Collection View.
>>> Can anyone give me pointers for what I am screwing up? My web searches for 
>>> this only return a meagre set of results which don’t help much.
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Arved
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