I would not do this.  It is widely documented that AppKit API that produce UI 
elements, like NSOpenPanel, are _not_ thread safe.  So you may find your app 
hitting some memory stomping issues or strange crashes/exceptions due to this.  
Specifically what problems you will hit are anyones guess, but its just a 
matter of time.  There is a reason Xcode has the Main Thread Checker to catch 
UI elements being used on secondary threads.

Lets come at  this from a different direction: What are you trying to do? Why 
do you think you need to use the open panel on a secondary thread?


> On Mar 22, 2020, at 1:11 PM, Gabriel Zachmann via Cocoa-dev 
> <cocoa-dev@lists.apple.com> wrote:
>> Don't know if this helps you but you can look into dispatch_sync
>> and  dispatch_async.
> Thanks a lot!
> That made things very easy.
> I am opening the panel now with this piece of code:
>                __block NSURL * user_permitted_url;
>                __block long int result;
>                // UI stuff must be executed in the main thread
>                dispatch_sync( dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^(void)
>                    {
>                        result = [self askUserToOpenDirectory: resolvedurl 
> newURL: & user_permitted_url];
>                    }
>                );
> (where my method askUserToOpenDirectory opens the NSOpenPanel and gets the 
> URL.)
> BTW:
> just in case others stumble over this:
> in my case, I am opening the NSOpenPanel with the directory set to 
> resolvedurl, for which I am asking permission. So the user is just supposed 
> to click "OK".
> So, I thought, I don't need to do anything else;
> but it turns out I get permission from the OS really only if I actually get 
> the URL using 
>    oPanel.URL 
> , even if it is the same as resolvedurl!
> Best regards, Gabriel
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