I access the window of a view by two different ways, in the controller and in 
the view, resp., and in the controller, I always get a nil pointer.

In my app, I have a subclass of NSView, MyView, declared like this:

@interface MyView : NSView <NSTextViewDelegate, CALayerDelegate, 
    NSWindow * window_;
@property (readwrite) NSWindow * window_;

In one of MyView's instance methods, I save the window like this:

- (void) viewWillMoveToWindow: (NSWindow *) newWindow
    window_ = newWindow;

Also in MyView, I have this line to interrogate the styleMask at some point 
later during runtime:

    if ( [window_ styleMask] & NSWindowStyleMaskFullScreen )

This works fine, window_ has a proper value (as a pointer), and styleMask 
returns values as expected.

However, I have pretty much the same line in my MasterViewController, which 
does not work.

In the MasterViewController, I create an instance of MyView like this:

- (void) viewDidLoad
    [super viewDidLoad];
    myview_ = [[MyView alloc] initWithFrame: self.view.frame isPreview: NO ];
    [self.view addSubview: myview_]; 

Then, in MasterViewController's showPreferences:, I have this code:

- (IBAction) showPreferences: (id) sender
    if ( [myview_.window_ styleMask] & NSWindowStyleMaskFullScreen )

Here, myview_.window_  is always 0.

How could that be?

Puzzled, Gabriel.

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