Hi everyone,

I have a question that's been an irritating me for a long time. Is there any 
way to get Xcode (or other tools) to show Objective-C selector names in 
disassembled framework's code?

Back in the good old days viewing assembly for any Obj-C method in Xcode would 
automatically give you this information. Xcode would always show you each 
selector's name (as a C string) alongside the SEL value in the assembly 
listing, usually right before each call to objc_msgSend. This was incredibly 
useful when you had to workaround Apple bugs, or just to poke around to see how 
things were implemented.

I forget when this changed. I know it was triggered by optimizations to the 
Obj-C runtime. But not being able to see selector names is like being 
blindfolded. Is there a good way to discover this information in the modern 
runtime / toolchains?

Thanks for any tips!

~Martin Wierschin 


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