On Sat, Jun 28, 2008 at 7:58 AM, Michael Ash <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 28, 2008 at 12:10 AM, Shawn Erickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Also you should fire your timer every
>> 0.75 of seconds (or so) to ensure your UI update is consistent/smooth.
>> Firing every second may cause your timer to fire a little after 1
>> second later so your UI could skip from say 50s to 52s.
> I do not recommend this, as using 0.75s will guarantee a jittery
> update. Consider what happens when you start at 0 and round down to
> figure out what to display. You'll display 0, then 0 again. Then
> you'll display 1, at 1.5 seconds after start, then 2 and 3 each 0.75
> seconds after the previous number. The cycle repeats with 4, which
> displays 1.5 seconds after 3.

Actually I meant to type 0.5s which is what I use in my code for this
type of thing and you don't want to use the timer to track time but
the actual system clock... assuming you use a simple repeating timer.

Firing once every 1 second can cause you skip numbers as timer jitter
walks near to a second boundary based on wall clock time.... assuming
you use a simple repeating timer and don't round as you suggest.

If you reschedule a timer every time the prior timer fires you can use
a 1 second timer delay if you attempt to ensure that your current time
isn't close to a second boundary of the wall clock.

..or rounding can be used (depends on how you are calculating the time, etc.)


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