Le 30 juin 08 à 23:10, Owen Yamauchi a écrit :

Yes, I know, I shouldn't be linking against an Apple private
framework, but trust me, there's a reason for it.

Anyway, I'm having trouble building the project. I dragged my private
framework (DevToolsCore.framework) into Xcode and left all the default
settings alone. However, when I try to build, it fails on the first
import line from the framework that it comes across:

#import <DevToolsCore/PBXFileType.h>

PBXFileType.h is in the framework's PrivateHeaders directory, if that
makes a difference.

I've checked the project's (and target's) Framework Search Path
settings, and they definitely include

Any ideas? (Note that I just want to get this to build; it doesn't
have to be deployable.)


Transcript ?

From the Monthly reminder:

You can drag and drop most of the interesting information you need right from Xcode into the New Mail window. Look in the Xcode Build Results, for example. If you find a step labeled "Compiling main.c (1 warning)" and you drag that step into an outgoing Mail message, here's what you get:…

 cd /Volumes/Local/Users/espich/4831414
/usr/bin/gcc-4.0 -x c -arch ppc -pipe -Wno-trigraphs -fpascal- strings […]

It's infinitely easier to diagnose the problem from this than from a written statement that "I get an error about printf."

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