On Jul 6, 2008, at 05:48, Bill Cheeseman wrote:

So here's a possible approach that was suggested to me privately, for use in
a framework that supports garbage collection. Comments?

@interface MyFrameworkClass : NSObject {
    BOOL wrappedup;

- (void)wrapup;
- (void)someMethod;


@implementation MyFrameworkClass

- (void)finalize {
    if (!wrappedup) {
         // protect against inadvertent early termination
         [self wrapup];

- (void)wrapup {
    // cleanup code goes here
    wrappedup = YES;

- (void)someMethod {
    [self wrapup];


IMO it's either not safe or not necessary.

The purpose of keeping stuff out of finalize is first and foremost about safety, and only secondarily about timing or collection-time overhead. Collectable memory that is referred to by an object being finalized may itself already have been finalized, causing the finalize to crash.

If it's safe to call 'wrapup' from finalize, you may as well just move the code into finalize and eliminate the 'wrapup' method as bureaucratic waste.

If it's not safe to call 'wrapup' from finalize, implementing 'wrapup' hasn't solved the problem for which it was created.

My experience has been that almost every time I've convinced myself that it was safe to use a particular collectable object in another's finalize, I was just plain wrong.

A safer pattern might be to replace the above finalize with:

- (void)finalize {
    NSAssert (wrappedup, @"I'm sorry, Dave, I can't do that ...");
    [super finalize];



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