Le 7 juil. 08 à 23:54, Stéphane Sudre a écrit :

On Jul 6, 2008, at 11:26 PM, Jean-Daniel Dupas wrote:

Le 6 juil. 08 à 21:25, Stéphane Sudre a écrit :


I would like/need to know the height that would be required to render a string inside a fixed width box.

Solution that does not work:

So far, I've been using a solution found from a google search and which looks like this:

- (float) heightOfString:(NSString *) inString forFont:(NSFont *) inFont andMaxWidth:(float) inMaxWidth
        float tHeight=0;
        if (inString!=nil)
        return tHeight;

usedRectForTextContainer: causes neither glyph generation nor layout, and so the result is may be inaccurate (the layout manager may be computing the layout in background and does not have finish).
You have to make sure it is ready before using this function.

[tLayoutManager ensureLayoutForTextContainer:tTextContainer];

I'm running on Mac OS X 10.4.11, this method is only available on Leopard and later.

But this made me think of trying setBackgroundLayoutEnabled: with NO. Yet it does not solve the issue.

Maybe someone has a better solution, but I think you can mimic the - ensureLayoutForTextContainer: method behavior using this:

[layoutManager boundingRectForGlyphRange:[layoutManager glyphRangeForTextContainer:myContainer] inTextContainer:myContainer];

The doc says this method "Performs glyph generation and layout if needed." And after you can send an -usedRectForTextContainer: message.

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