The view that is first responder needs to override -keyDown: and do this:

        [self interpretKeyEvents:[NSArray arrayWithObject:event]];

which hooks the event into the standard dispatcher for these methods.

(One thing that has long puzzled me about this though - why is the parameter an array of events when only one event is ever available?)



On 8 Jul 2008, at 9:59 am, Nathan Vander Wilt wrote:

The Cocoa Text Bindings system already translates keys and key combinations into invocations of NSResponder methods. < >

So, what you need to do is determine which methods those keys are already mapping to, override those methods in the appropriate place in your responder chain (e.g. on your custom view or application delegate), and have them all invoke some common method to do what you want.

Thanks, I forgot to mention that I tried overriding some of those action methods. However, I couldn't get them to fire.


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