On Jul 29, 2008, at 8:58 AM, Nathan Vander Wilt wrote:
Right, -[NSDictionary setObject:forKey:] on a CFDictionary created with a custom retain callback will invoke copyWithZone: before calling your retain callback. Apple claims this is not a bug. Getting/removing values with objectForKey:/removeObjectForKey: should work, though; if it doesn't, I'd like to know.

Yes, accessing and removing keys should work fine. For immutable keys (you weren't planning on changing a key behind NSDictionary's back anyway, right) a copy is often just implemented as a retain. Since toll-free bridged NSDictionary must provide CFDictionary retain/release callbacks to work right on the Core Foundation side of things, it must be copying the key, adding it to the array (where it is retained by the callback), and then releasing it's local reference. Take out steps one and three, which are equivalent to a retain followed by a release, and nothing should change as far as object accessing or removal.

Actually, that category thing is a no-go if you intend to archive your dictionary! I repeat: beware of the code I posted thread previous!

While this is an implementation detail that could change, - [NSDictionary initWithCoder:] calls some internal dictionary class's - initWithObjects:forKeys:count: that also copies the keys. This leads me to suspect that NS[Mutable]Dictionary may recopy keys in other places at whim as well. I am not sure what happens if you try to unarchive a CFDictionary that was archived as an NSDictionary, but I've got better things to do than mess with a class that clearly was not designed for what I'm trying to use it for.

If you want to use non-copied/pointer-equivalent objects as keys, especially if there is any chance you're going to be doing any archiving, skip NSMutableDictionary. Use NSMapTable instead, which thankfully also supports NSCoding.


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