On 12 Sep 2008, at 10:17, Daniel Luis dos Santos wrote:

Hello !

I have an objective C class and want to call a method on a class in C ++. As argument to the C++ class is a map instance of the STL.
The ObjC class definition is on a file with a mm extension.

I have std::map *var as a member variable of the ObjC class. When I compile the code there is an error saying :

/Users/dlsa/code/Finema/trunk/LiquidSurfaces/src/CVDisplayPipeline.h: 20: error: using-declaration for non-member at class scope

How do I do this ?

Does this happen when you compile CVDisplayPipeline.mm, or when you compile another file which might only be a .m file? If it is the latter, then that would be your problem since you are no longer compiling Obj-C++.

If it is in CVDisplayPipeline.mm then It could just be that you aren't including the right header file in CVDisplayPipeline.h (<map> I think).

If you do have to include your .h file in other .m files, you can workaround the problem of having pointers to C++ classes like so:

#if defined(__cplusplus)
        #include <map>
        typedef std::map* std_mapPtr;
        typedef void* std_mapPtr;

@interface MyClass: NSObject
std_mapPtr mMap;

-(std_mapPtr) map;

-(void) setMap: (std_mapPtr) aMap;


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