On 26 Sep 2008, at 10:14 pm, John Love wrote:

Shouldn't my call to -addObserver automatically monitor "StatusChanged" rather than my having to -postNotificationName??

Well, no.

It's not magic - something needs to "transmit" so that there is something to "receive". All the NSNotificationCenter is is a relay station for messages, so that observers don't need intimate knowledge (and hence strong coupling) to the objects they are observing, and vice versa.

The reality of sending notifications is that typically objects are designed to blindly transmit all sorts of notifications that the design deems useful. "This happened, that will happen" and so on. If you have a sender A and a receiver B that set up a notification for some single purpose the advantage of this may seem hard to see, and you certainly don't get much "for free". But when you have a complex object with lots of behaviours that other objects might want to observe then the posting of notifications built into the design of object A is great - it means you can simply observe those notifications without revisiting the design of A - a real boon if you don't even have its source code, as with many Cocoa objects.

So, to your case:

- (void) postCalculationStatusChanged:(id)sentNotifyObject {

[notifyCenter postNotificationName:StatusChanged object:sentNotifyObject];


This violates the spirit and purpose of notifications. Your receiver shouldn't also be forcing the "transmitter" to transmit, as you are doing here. Instead, the transmitter object should always send a "status changed" message whenever its status changes. Then the fact that it has changed can be observed by the receiver *and also any other object that might be interested*. What you're doing here is absurd - if you already know the transmitter's status has changed, then you can act on that directly - you don't need to pretend to send a notification to yourself.

Somewhere, you should have some code that is part of the 'sentNotifyObject' class that looks like this:

- (void) postStatusChanged
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:kStatusChangedNotification object:self];

In almost all cases, whenever you call the -postNotificationName: method of NSNotificationCenter, the object you pass is 'self'. If it's any other, chances are you've done something weird.

So, short answer: your design is a bit whiffy. ;)



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