I am writing an utility which needs to open a panel to browse files and
select one.

- (IBAction)browseClicked:(id)sender


NSOpenPanel *panel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];

if ([panel runModal]) {

            NSArray *filenames = [panel filenames];

     NSString *filename = [filenames objectAtIndex:0];

     if (filename){

 printf("\n browseClicked: filename = %s \n", [filename cString]);

 if ([appToOpenText stringValue] != NULL ){

        [appToOpenText setStringValue: filename];


else  printf("\n browseClicked: appToOpenText has NULL value \n");


     else printf ("\n *** browseClicked: Filename is NULL *** \n");


The filename chosen is assigned to the textfield. I have used defaults to
synchronize this filename and storing it in a pList file.
[_defaults setObject: [appToOpenText stringValue] forKey: @"AppToOpen" ];

[_defaults synchronize];

But whenever I click Browse plIst file is automatically updated with the
following junk values

What could be the possible reasons to this problem, please help.


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