Le 19 oct. 08 à 16:32, John Joyce a écrit :


I believe png are really what I'm trying to make here, they seem
to be recommended.

PNGs are not resolution independent, although they are perfectly
acceptable. Saving as a TIFF then converting it to PDF with Preview
works well for me.

Please excuse me if I missed something earlier in the thread, but my
understanding of TIFFs (and PNGs and JPEGs) is that they're all
purely raster formats. Thus, how does saving a TIFF as a PDF get you
resolution independence? (At least that's what I read you to be saying.)


It doesn't and it cannot. PDF is only a container, that happens to support vector art well, but cannot vectorize a raster image. If you properly placed some vector art into a pdf you might be able to garner some sort of resolution independence, but it's probably not worth the effort, and definitely won't look as good in most cases as well designed/optimized icons. Until displays approach something like 300dpi or higher, like print media, our eyes will be better served by icons hand-tooled for particular sizes.

Your safest bet is to make use of PNG. It supports transparency. If you need something in .icns format, make use of Icon Composer. As for drawing/painting apps, don't be cheap! If you don't have skill, pay somebody to do it.

unlike tiff, png does not support multi representations with different resolution which is the recommanded way to store raster images (vectorial images should be pdf of course).
So, PNG is not recommanded.

See this for details:


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