
I am puzzled! I have run into this weirdest problem. It only happens if I target Tiger.

I am working on an update to HoudahGeo and suddenly, my current build refuses to open documents. This includes both existing documents and documents created by the running application. The error is:

Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=134020 UserInfo=0x2b7b10 "The model configuration used to open the store is incompatible with the one that was used to create the store." NSUnderlyingException = Can't find table for entity MovieReference in database at URL file://localhost/Users/pierre/Desktop/HoudahGeo-Leopard.hgeo ;

There is no MovieReference entity in the model. There never was. Actually I have seen the same message with varying entity names. I believe they are taken from other applications.

BTW, the model has not been updated in over a year. And most certainly not between saving and attempting to reopen using the same running application.

The stack is:

#0      0x96da7e17 in objc_exception_throw
#1      0x9496344b in -[NSSQLCore _ensureDatabaseMatchesModel]
#2      0x94962b35 in -[NSSQLCore load:]
#3 0x94958732 in -[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator addPersistentStoreWithType:configuration:URL:options:error:] #4 0x915f5fe9 in -[NSPersistentDocument configurePersistentStoreCoordinatorForURL:ofType:modelConfiguration:storeOptions:error :] #5 0x915f6fab in - [NSPersistentDocument(NSPersistentDocumentDeprecated) configurePersistentStoreCoordinatorForURL:ofType:error:]
#6      0x915f63b6 in -[NSPersistentDocument readFromURL:ofType:error:]
#7      0x000041c2 in -[Document readFromURL:ofType:error:] at Document.m:177
#8      0x913f16c6 in -[NSDocument initWithContentsOfURL:ofType:error:]
#9 0x913c1274 in -[NSDocumentController makeDocumentWithContentsOfURL:ofType:error:] #10 0x913c0898 in -[NSDocumentController openDocumentWithContentsOfURL:display:error:]

This only happens when I target Tiger. When I target Leopard with the same code all works fine.
It occurs on both 10.5.5 and 10.5.6

When I compile an older version of the project, it works just fine. Thus I broke something with my recent changes. Yet I have no idea what. I did not touch the model.


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