I figured this out. Core Data sends out several separate ContextDidChange notifications in response to a single - mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification call. I had a dumb bug in my code that resulted in me only seeing the first one.

The object where I was debugging ContextDidChange notifications (and doing my caching) was the very one I was getting the first "refreshed" notification for — and I was removing it as a notification observer in its -didTurnIntoFault. So it would get turned to a fault first thing when merging the save notification, unregister itself as a result, and then no longer behave as intended. I moved the notification center unregistration to -dealloc, and now I can see that my merge does result in all the expected insertions, just with separate notifications.

Hope this can help someone else realize that Core Data doesn't (necessarily) hate them if they come across my original post.


On Jan 16, 2009, at 2:02 PM, Nathan Vander Wilt wrote:
My application imports into an NSManagedObjectContext created on a background thread. As the last stage of this import, I save the background context to the persistent store. All my UI code uses a managed object context on the main thread, and expects to be notified via NSManagedObjectContextObjectsDidChangeNotification to update caches and redisplay.

So... in my background thread I catch the NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification and pass it to a method called on the main thread to - mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification: in the main context. Now I would expect that all the objects I inserted into the background context would get inserted into the main context, and I would see evidence of this in the ObjectsDidChange notification. While the save notification has @"inserted" and @"updated" sets with the expected objects, the change notification only contains the updated object in its @"refreshed" set, and no inserted objects.

Is this what I should expect? Is there a better way I can trigger the ObjectsDidChange notification on my main context after another context updates the persistent store? Or, taking things a step back, what's the best way to keep Core Data fetch request results up-to- date?


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