At 9:46 AM -0800 2/7/09, Joar Wingfors wrote:
On Feb 7, 2009, at 6:55 AM, Steve Sisak wrote:
Umm, unless I'm totally missing something, what's wrong with fopen() and fgets(), possibly followed with [NSString stringWithCString] on each line?

What's wrong is that they won't allow you to specify the text encoding to use. The same thing is true for the *deprecated* method "+stringWithCString:" by the way.

The OP specified he was working with ASCII logfiles before the conversation went off into the weeds on text encodings:

At 8:46 PM +1100 2/3/09, Jacob Rhoden wrote:
Exactly, I was looking for direction on the technically best way to read a very large file line by line. In future I will be sure to include a concrete example. (:

It is not uncommon that I might have to deal with server logs that go into the gigabytes. Most logs (apache, squid, etc...) are all ascii encoded. The line ending is irrelevant, see a \n or a \r and we know we have reached the end of a "entry" in the log.

Also, there are other initializers that will let you specify encodings, for instance:

- initWithBytes:(const void *)bytes length:(NSUInteger)len encoding:(NSStringEncoding)encoding;

you'll just need to do strlen() and check if that last character is \n and append another fgets() if it isn't.

I was trying to answer the OP's question (how to read an ASCII file line-by-line) in a simple manner, rather than the meta-discussion on character encodings.



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