Hi all

I am porting most of my C++ code into Objective C and at the moment I have this problem:

In C++ to force a constructor to call a overriding method of a subclass I used pure virtual functions defined in an abstract (super) class.

An example:

class Foo
        virtual read( x, y ) = 0; // pure virtual

class Bar : public Foo
        virtual Read( x, y );   // implemented in the subclass

// Foo constructor
        Read( x, y ); // <-- this calls Bar::Read and not Foo::Read
                      // because the latter is pure virtual

I know that the closest thing to a pure virtual function in Objective C is a formal protocol. My question is: can you implement such a behavior in objective C with a formal protocol?

Related to this, what method gets called inside the init method of the superclass: a) the superclass method? or b) the overriding method if there is one?

Although this is not strict Cocoa code, I think this is the best place to ask this kind of question. Sorry for the mild "OT-ness" of my question.




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