24 hours later, still completely stumped on this one. The sticking point seems to be that Apple's NSTextFieldCell is doing something that is not clearly defined in the Key-Value Observing/Key-Value coding documentation to allow the following to work

[column bind: @"value" toObject: arrayController withKeyPath: @"arrangedObjects.name" options: nil];

I suspect that all I'm missing is some required accessor, but nowhere in the documentation does Apple offer a step by step example on how to write a bindable custom NSCell subclass. What methods are absolutely required? What methods are optional?

Here's my custom cell code. Where am I going wrong?

Thanks for any help

@interface PMXDocumentCell : NSCell
        NSButtonCell            *addButton;
        NSImage                 *backImage,
        NSString                        *documentName;
        NSDictionary            *textAttributes;

+ (id) documentCell;
- (void) initImages;
- (void) initSubCells;

- (NSString *) documentName;
- (void) setDocumentName:(NSString *) inName;

- (id) objectValue;
- (void) setObjectValue:(id) inObject;


#define ADD_BUTTON_SIZE                 17

@implementation PMXDocumentCell

+ (id) documentCell
        return [[[PMXDocumentCell alloc]

- (id) init
        self = [super init];
        if (self)
                [self initImages];
                [self initSubCells];
                currentBackImage        = backImage;
                textAttributes                  = [[NSDictionary alloc] 
[NSColor blackColor], NSForegroundColorAttributeName,
systemFontOfSize:13], NSFontAttributeName,
        return self;

- (void) initImages
        NSBundle                                *bundle         = [NSBundle 
bundleForClass: [self class]];
        NSString                                *path;
        path                                    = [bundle pathForResource: @"add_button" 
ofType: @"png"];
        addButtonImage                  = [[NSImage alloc] 
initWithContentsOfFile: path];
path = [bundle pathForResource: @"add_button_white" ofType: @"png"]; addButtonSelectedImage = [[NSImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile: path];
        path                                    = [bundle pathForResource: @"toolbar_25" 
ofType: @"png"];
        backImage                               = [[NSImage alloc] 
initWithContentsOfFile: path];
path = [bundle pathForResource: @"toolbar_25_focus" ofType: @"png"];
        backSelectedImage               = [[NSImage alloc] 
initWithContentsOfFile: path];
        // set resizing
        [addButtonImage setScalesWhenResized: YES];
        [addButtonSelectedImage setScalesWhenResized: YES];
        [backImage setScalesWhenResized: YES];
        [backSelectedImage setScalesWhenResized: YES];
        // size button images
        [addButtonImage setSize: NSMakeSize(ADD_BUTTON_SIZE, ADD_BUTTON_SIZE)];
[addButtonSelectedImage setSize: NSMakeSize(ADD_BUTTON_SIZE, ADD_BUTTON_SIZE)];

- (void) initSubCells
        addButton                       = [[NSButtonCell alloc] init];
        [addButton setBordered: NO];
        [addButton setButtonType: NSMomentaryChangeButton];
        [addButton setImage: addButtonImage];
        [addButton setAlternateImage: addButtonSelectedImage];

- (void) drawWithFrame:(NSRect) inCellFrame
                        inView:(NSView *) inControlView
NSRect buttonFrame = NSMakeRect(inCellFrame.size.width - ADD_BUTTON_SIZE - 6, inCellFrame.origin.y, ADD_BUTTON_SIZE, ADD_BUTTON_SIZE), nameFrame = NSMakeRect(6, inCellFrame.origin.y, inCellFrame.size.width - ADD_BUTTON_SIZE - 12 , ADD_BUTTON_SIZE);
NSPoint textPoint = NSMakePoint(inCellFrame.origin.x + 1, inCellFrame.origin.y);
currentBackImage = [self isHighlighted] ? backSelectedImage : backImage ;

        [currentBackImage drawAtPoint: inCellFrame.origin
                        fromRect: NSZeroRect
                        operation: NSCompositeSourceOver
                        fraction: 1.0];
        [addButton drawWithFrame: buttonFrame
                        inView: inControlView];
        [documentName drawInRect: nameFrame
                        withAttributes: textAttributes];

- (NSString *) objectValue
        return documentName;

- (void) setObjectValue:(id) inObject
        if (inObject == nil)
                inObject        = @"document name";
        if ([inObject isKindOfClass: [NSString class]])
                [self setStringValue: inObject];
[NSException raise: NSInvalidArgumentException format: @"%@ Invalid object %@", NSStringFromSelector(_cmd), inObject];

- (NSString *) documentName
        return documentName;

- (void) setDocumentName:(NSString *) inName
        [inName retain];
        [documentName release];
        documentName    = inName;
        // Tell control view to redisplay us.
        [(NSControl *)[self controlView] updateCell: self];


The table column data cell is set to an instance of my "PMXDocumentNameCell " and bound using the exact same syntax that works for NSTextFieldCell

[column bind: @"value" toObject: arrayController withKeyPath: @"arrangedObjects.name" options: nil];

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