On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 9:05 AM, Alexey Baev <b...@belightsoft.com> wrote:
> Hi.
> I have class MyDot. This class has function:
> - (BOOL) containsPoint: (NSPoint) pt;
> I have also NSArray, which contains several MyDot objects:
> NSArray* dots;
> I want to get new array
> NSArray* newDots
> which contains MyDot objects and
> for these dots containsPoint:(NSPoint)pt = YES.
> How can I do that?
> I would like to write something like that:
> NSPoint checkedPoint = NSMakePoint(100, 100);
> NSPredicate* predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat: @"containsPoint
> %p == YES ", checkedPoint]; //i don't know what to write here
> NSArray* newDots = [dots filteredArrayUsingPredicate: predicate];
> I would be glad if you helped me.
> --
> Alexey Baev


It's quite possible, although it takes a bit more that a simple
predicateWithFormat: can do.  You'll need to use NSExpression's
expressionForFunction:selectorName:arguments: along with a
NSComparisonPredicate.  Your MyDot class will also need a method
that's able to accept a NSValue object (containing a NSPoint) and
return an NSNumber.  Something like...

-(NSNumber *) containsThisPoint: (NSValue *) aPoint;

So to filter your array:

NSArray *myArrayOfObjects = ...
NSPoint tgtPoint = ...

NSExpression *functionExp = [NSExpression
expressionForFunction:[NSExpression expressionForEvaluatedObject]
selectorName:@"containsThisPoint:" arguments:[NSArray
arrayWithObject:[NSExpression expressionForConstantValue:[NSValue

NSPredicate *searchPredicate = [NSComparisonPredicate
predicateWithLeftExpression:functionExp rightExpression:[NSExpression
expressionForConstantValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES]]
modifier:NSDirectPredicateModifier type:NSEqualToPredicateOperatorType

NSArray *newArray = [myArrayOfObjects


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