On Apr 18, 2009, at 7:54 PM, cocoa learner wrote:

Hello All,
In my NSTableView I am using NSImageCell as one column to display images.
And I have implemented my datastore method like this -

- (id) tableView: (NSTableView *)aTableView
objectValueForTableColumn: (NSTableColumn *)aTableColumn
row: (NSInteger)rowIndex
/* code to display other column data

//Code to display image
if (coloumnIndex == 2)
NSImage *tmpImage = [[tableData objectAtIndex: rowIndex] personPhoto];

NSLog(@"TableController::dataSourceSecondAPI : [ Debug ] Coloumn Index = 2,
so returning the image");

return tmpImage;

And my persons init method looks like this -

- (id) init
[super init];

Probably safer to use "self = [super init];" here. For most classes self won't change, but it has been brought up on-list before that there are some exceptions where [super init] can give you a completely different instance.

personName = @"New name";
personAddr = @"New addrress";
personPhoto = [[NSImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:
if (personPhoto == nil)

You need a call to [self dealloc] here, otherwise you leak an instance of the class if you can't load the image.

return nil;

 return self;

After running my application the image looks very small like an icon.
Can any one tell me how to display a bigger image in NSTableView?

The image is scaled to fit the table's row height, rather than having the row height adjusted to fit a particular image. If the row height isn't currently large enough, you can either change it in IB or in code. And for 10.4 and later, you can have your table's delegate implement -tableView:heightOfRow: to change the height on a row-by- row basis.


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