2009/4/29 Тимофей Даньшин <ok5.ad...@gmail.com>:
> It's a very funny thing. And i do hope i am not bonkers. But the following
> code works fine until i delete the line with "NSLog(....)". In the latter
> case it just returns an empty array. Are there any sane reasons why that can
> happen?

No, there is no sane reason for this behavior.  Though I remember
reading a story very recently somewhere in which someone had this
exact issue, and it had to do with the way that NSLog left the stack
when it completed.

You probably have a memory management or other issue somewhere,
perhaps in wherever is calling -selectWordsBeginningWith:.  But you
haven't posted nearly enough code to make even an educated guess.  You
need to post the code for
-intoArray:addItemFromTable:usingStatement:andSearchString: at the
very least.

--Kyle Sluder

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