* You could use NSOperationQueue and set the maximumThread count to 1. and make for each of these methods an NSOperation. And then add those 4 operations to your OperationQueue.

* But your case is simple so you can easily code this your self by creating an object for each operation you are performing. and create an Operation Array




On Apr 29, 2009, at 9:55 PM, kentoz...@comcast.net wrote:


I wrote a directory scanner application that spawns 4 different threads with independent rescan intervals and need to repeat the process if and only if a thread has completed a scan. Basically, for each file type I'm watching, the process is

1. Spawn a thread to sample files of the specified type
2. Wait until the thread completes
3. Schedule another pass after a given time interval has passed.

Timer's don't work for my purposes because the execution time of the thread can easily exceed any arbitrary repeat interval I might choose which would require the use of busy flags and testing for a busy state etc... I want to avoid that.

I tried calling NSObject's

performSelector:(SEL) aSelector withObject:(id) anArgument afterDelay:( NSTimeInterval ) delay

But the receiver's " aSelector" method is never getting called. The only logical place to perform this scheduling is from inside the thread because only the thread knows when it is finished, but I'm having no luck getting the method to run.

Here are the methods that spawn the threads

- ( void ) initDirectories


[ NSThread detachNewThreadSelector : @selector ( initDirectoriesInThread :)

          toTarget : self

          withObject : nil ];


- ( void ) updateDirectories


// Logging function that writes messages to my app's custom console view

KCLog ([ NSString stringWithFormat : @"Checking for changes: %@" , userType]);

[ NSThread detachNewThreadSelector : @selector ( updateDirectoriesInThread :)

        toTarget : self

        withObject : nil ];


And here are the corresponding thread methods

- ( void ) initDirectoriesInThread:( id ) inData


     @synchronized ( self )


        // allocate a new autorelease pool

        NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[ NSAutoreleasePool alloc ] init ];

KDirectory *rootDirectory = [ KDirectory directoryWithPath : path ];

rootObserver = [[ CNCDirectoryWatcher alloc ] initWithDirectory : rootDirectory root : self ];

        // add root directory to observed list

        [ self addDirectory : rootObserver ];

        // schedule a new pass

[ self performSelector : @selector ( updateDirectories ) withObject : nil afterDelay : catalogInterval ];

        // release the pool

        [pool release ];



- ( void ) updateDirectoriesInThread:( id ) inData


    @synchronized ( self )


        // allocate a new autorelease pool

        NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[ NSAutoreleasePool alloc ] init ];

         NSArray *dirs = [ directories copy ];

        NSEnumerator *enumerator = [dirs objectEnumerator ];

         CNCDirectoryWatcher *directory;

        while (directory = [enumerator nextObject ])


            [directory update ];


        // schedule a new pass

[ self performSelector : @selector ( updateDirectories ) withObject : nil afterDelay : catalogInterval ];

        // release the pool

        [pool release ];



The "initDirectoriesInThread" method is getting called and runs correctly, but the "updateDirectoriesInThread" method never gets called.

I looked at

-(void)performSelectorOnMainThread:(SEL) aSelector withObject:(id) arg waitUntilDone:(BOOL) wait

But it doesn't appear to have a way to schedule the execution for a specified delay.

Is there a way to use performSelector: withObject: afterDelay: to satisfy both step 2 and 3 above?

Thanks for any help


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