So, I have continued my work with a subclass of NSTextView for my field editor, and here is another part of the puzzle: (i) if I implement -drawRect: in the subclass, and ask it for the frame, the frame is the same as the frame set in -viewWillDraw, but not acted upon; (ii) if I implement -drawRect: in the subclass, but do not call super, the field editor box is still drawn at the usual location (the text is not drawn properly, etc., but the box is). This leads me to think that -drawRect is not drawing the box for the field editor. The question is, what object is drawing that box, and is there a way to move it?

On 28-Apr-09, at 12:47 PM, K. Darcy Otto wrote:
Continuing on with the mystery, I have tried the following code in my NSTableView subclass (below, not yet solved though). I have got it so that the rect returned by [fieldEditor frame] is not empty, but gives exactly the frame it should. Still though, modifying the frame to something different makes no difference. Is there a way to prompt the field editor to redraw itself in accordance with the new frame?

In the documentation for -editColumn:row:withEvent:select:, I noticed that it "sends - selectWithFrame:inView:editor:delegate:start:length: and - editWithFrame:inView:editor:delegate:event: to the field editor’s NSCell object with the NSTableView as the text delegate. So my call to super is doing that. Could it be that I need to intervene somehow in these NSCell methods?

-(void)editColumn:(NSInteger)columnIndex row:(NSInteger)rowIndex withEvent:(NSEvent *)theEvent select:(BOOL)flag
[super editColumn:columnIndex row:rowIndex withEvent:theEvent select:flag]; NSTextView *fieldEditor = (NSTextView *)[[self window] fieldEditor:YES forObject:nil];
// Change the text colour to red, just to confirm I've got ahold of the actual field editor that is being used (I do)
        [fieldEditor setTextColor:[NSColor redColor]];
        // Get the field editor frame (it is the correct frame)
        NSRect cellRect = [fieldEditor frame];
NSLog(@"1. fieldEditor x origin: %f",cellRect.origin.x); // output: 127
        // Change cellRect x origin, but don't extend the field width
        cellRect.origin.x += 20;
        cellRect.size.width -= 20;

        // Set fieldEditor frame to new cellRect
        [fieldEditor setFrame:cellRect];
        [fieldEditor setNeedsDisplay:YES];

        cellRect = [fieldEditor frame];
NSLog(@"2. fieldEditor x origin: %f",cellRect.origin.x); // output: 147

On 27-Apr-09, at 7:19 PM, K. Darcy Otto wrote:

I have a field editor which I need to reposition in my tableView – specifically, I need to move it a few pixels to the right. The following post:

makes two suggestions: (i) implement the move in -viewWillDraw in the field editor subclass, and (ii) reposition the field editor after calling super in -editColumn:row:withEvent:select: in the tableView subclass. Neither of these seem to make any difference to where the field editor is drawn. Here is my code with respect to (i), contained in the field editor subclass:

        NSRect frame = [self frame];
        NSLog(@"Old: %f",frame.origin.x);
        frame.origin.x += 50.0;
        [self setFrame:frame];
        frame = [self frame];
        NSLog(@"New: %f",frame.origin.x);

        [super viewWillDraw];

Now, I can confirm this method is being called, and by means of the NSLog statements, the frame is being changed prior to the call to super. Unfortunately, the field editor is drawn where is usually is drawn, with no shift in place.

With respect to (ii), contained in the tableView subclass:

-(void)editColumn:(NSInteger)columnIndex row:(NSInteger)rowIndex withEvent:(NSEvent *)theEvent select:(BOOL)flag
[super editColumn:columnIndex row:rowIndex withEvent:theEvent select:flag]; NSText *fieldEditor = [[self window] fieldEditor:YES forObject:self];
        NSRect fieldEditorFrame = [fieldEditor frame];
        fieldEditorFrame.origin.x += 50.0;
        [fieldEditor setFrame:fieldEditorFrame];

Here, it turns out that even though fieldEditor points to the custom field editor object, fieldEditorFrame turns out to be empty. And again, the field editor is drawn where it is usually drawn, with no shift in place.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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