On May 20, 2009, at 7:04 PM, Gwynne Raskind wrote:

I have a UIView that contains a number of CALayers. Nothing unusual here. The CALayers are subclassed to do their drawing, because that was easier than separating the delegate logic from my UIView subclass (since the view can't be the delegate of a sublayer - it causes an infinite recursion to do so, why isn't there a check for this somewhere in CA's or Cocoa Touch's code?).

UIKit expects that a view and layer are tightly coupled and that the view is not a shared delegate between multiple layers, period. Even if it worked, you would see a lot of behavior that you may not desire by setting a view as a layer's delegate.

1) animate the custom properties more directly with a CABasicAnimation. I tried this, but it did nothing at all.

Custom property animation is not supported on iPhone OS 2.x or Mac OS X 10.5.

2) get some control over the implicit animation CA is setting up for the contents transition. CATransaction only lets me set duration and the "is enabled" flag, whereas CAMediaTiming has a whole pile of useful parameters.

You can change the default animation for any property of a layer. See the documentation for -actionForKey: for more information.
David Duncan
Apple DTS Animation and Printing


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