Does this not do what you want?

[myImage drawInRect:NSIntegralRect(myCenteredRect) fromRect:...];


On Sep 2, 2009, at 9:22 AM, Rick C. wrote:

thank you markus i do see that now. since my icon centers the numbers will always change. this should be obvious but what would be the least memory intensive way to constantly round this number...

center.x = bounds.width *.5

if center.x is a round number it works as you say. i'm probably missing the obvious as usual but i'm having a bit of trouble to round/truncate the cgfloat...

thanks again,


From: Markus Spoettl <>
To: cocoa dev <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 2, 2009 8:17:56 PM
Subject: Re: drawing my image in snow leopard

On Sep 2, 2009, at 12:33 PM, Rick C. wrote:
i've been using NSImage drawInRect:fromRect:operation:fraction: to draw and center my .icns image in a resizable custom view for some time without issues. now in snow leopard the same code works, however when the custom view is at its minimum size the image is slightly blurry. when i resize the custom view to full size the image is fine. seems to be maybe scaling but i'm not rescaling the image the size is constant. of course the view is being resized. i just checked again in leopard and this is not an issue. i'm thinking i need to add something in my code to keep up with changes in snow leopard but i haven't yet figured out what that might be. if anyone needs some code i can post it. thank you,

The AppKit release notes state that with 10.6 the image destination coordinates are no longer rounded to integral values. Just round x and y of your destination rect and the image should appear sharp like before.


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