Good day,

I was running my app with Instruments -> Leaks. This is a
document-based-application. Whenever I save or open a file I get this leak:

Category: Malloc 4.50 KB
Event Type: Malloc
RefCt: 1
Address: 0x103108000
Size: 4608
Responsible Library: ImageIO
Responsible Caller: du_block::set_max_bytes(int, bool)

Is there anything I can do about it? I don't know where to begin... Please
let me know if any other info is necessary, I could attach .trace file from


Stack trace:

   0 libSystem.B.dylib malloc
   1 libstdc++.6.dylib operator new(unsigned long)
   2 libstdc++.6.dylib operator new[](unsigned long)
   3 ImageIO kdu_block::set_max_bytes(int, bool)
   4 ImageIO kd_block::retrieve_data(kdu_block*, int)
   5 ImageIO kdu_subband::open_block(kdu_coords, int*, kdu_thread_env*)
   6 ImageIO kd_decoder::do_job(kdu_thread_entity*, int)
   7 ImageIO kd_decoder::pull(kdu_line_buf&, kdu_thread_env*)
   8 ImageIO kd_synthesis::horizontal_synthesis(kd_vlift_line*, int,
   9 ImageIO kd_synthesis::pull(kdu_line_buf&, kdu_thread_env*)
  10 ImageIO kd_multi_component::do_job(kdu_thread_entity*, int)
  11 ImageIO kd_multi_synthesis::get_line(kd_multi_line*, int,
  12 ImageIO kd_multi_synthesis::get_line(int, kdu_thread_env*)
  13 ImageIO kdu_region_decompressor::process_generic(int, int, kdu_coords,
int, int, int, kdu_dims&, kdu_dims&, int, bool)
  14 ImageIO kdu_region_decompressor::process(int*, kdu_coords, int, int,
int, int, kdu_dims&, kdu_dims&)
  15 ImageIO kdrc_stream::process(int, kdu_dims&, int&)
  16 ImageIO kdu_region_compositor::process(int, kdu_dims&)
  17 ImageIO _cg_JP2DecompressBand
  18 ImageIO getBandProcJP2
  19 ImageIO glueCopyImageBlockSet
  20 ImageIO ImageProviderCopyImageBlockSetCallback
  21 CoreGraphics img_blocks_create
  22 CoreGraphics img_blocks_extent
  23 CoreGraphics img_interpolate_extent
  24 CoreGraphics img_data_lock
  25 CoreGraphics CGSImageDataLock
  26 libRIP.A.dylib ripc_AcquireImage
  27 libRIP.A.dylib ripc_DrawImage
  28 CoreGraphics CGContextDrawImage
  29 AppKit __-[NSImageRep
  30 AppKit -[NSImageRep
  31 AppKit __-[NSImage
  32 AppKit -[NSImage _usingBestRepresentationForRect:context:hints:body:]
  33 AppKit -[NSImage
  34 AppKit -[NSCompositeImageRep draw]
  35 AppKit -[NSImageRep drawInRect:]
  36 AppKit __-[NSImageRep
  37 AppKit __-[NSImageRep
  38 AppKit -[NSImageRep
  39 AppKit -[NSImageRep
  40 AppKit -[NSImageRep CGImageForProposedRect:context:hints:]
  41 AppKit -[NSImageRep CGImageForProposedRect:context:hints:flipped:]
  42 AppKit -[NSImage _createSnapshotRepForRep:rect:context:processedHints:]
  43 AppKit -[NSImage _snapshotRepForRep:rect:context:processedHints:]
  44 AppKit __-[NSImage
  45 AppKit -[NSImage _usingBestRepresentationForRect:context:hints:body:]
  46 AppKit -[NSImage
  47 AppKit -[NSImage
  48 AppKit -[NSImageCell drawInteriorWithFrame:inView:]
  49 AppKit -[NSImageCell drawWithFrame:inView:]
  50 AppKit -[NSControl drawRect:]
  51 AppKit -[NSView _drawRect:clip:]
  52 AppKit -[NSView _recursiveDisplayAllDirtyWithLockFocus:visRect:]
  53 AppKit -[NSView _recursiveDisplayAllDirtyWithLockFocus:visRect:]
  54 AppKit -[NSView _recursiveDisplayAllDirtyWithLockFocus:visRect:]
  55 AppKit -[NSView
  56 AppKit -[NSThemeFrame
  57 AppKit -[NSView
  58 AppKit -[NSView displayIfNeeded]
  59 AppKit -[NSWindow
  60 AppKit -[NSApplication _orderFrontModalWindow:relativeToWindow:]
  61 AppKit -[NSApplication
  62 AppKit -[NSAlert
  63 AppKit -[NSSavePanel _overwriteExistingFileCheck:]
  64 AppKit -[NSSavePanel _okForSaveMode]
  65 AppKit -[NSSavePanel ok:]
  66 AppKit -[NSApplication sendAction:to:from:]
  67 AppKit -[NSControl sendAction:to:]
  68 AppKit -[NSCell trackMouse:inRect:ofView:untilMouseUp:]
  69 AppKit -[NSButtonCell trackMouse:inRect:ofView:untilMouseUp:]
  70 AppKit -[NSControl mouseDown:]
  71 AppKit -[NSWindow sendEvent:]
  72 AppKit -[NSApplication sendEvent:]
  73 AppKit -[NSApplication run]
  74 AppKit NSApplicationMain
  75 Vaucanson main /Users/Karolis/Projects/KROrganismModel/main.m:5
  76 Vaucanson start

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